Improve risk decisions with our robust data set

Leverage PayPal’s expertise and scale

Fight fraud with smart technology that’s informed by our $1.5 trillion in total annual payment volume and 20+ years of industry expertise.1

No new integration required

Easily enable an adaptive fraud solution that works seamlessly with your existing integration.

Solve risk issues holistically

Capture revenue with a balanced strategy—across the entire transaction lifecycle—that helps detect fraud without declining legitimate purchases.

Adapt our solution to your business

Fine tune our tools to your specific business needs and risk strategy—without worrying about major costs or increasing complexity.

Blue square behind a tile showing a Simulation dashboard; tile showing various percentages of approvals, rejections, and more


your risk management with Fraud Protection Advanced

Support your fraud team with effective machine learning that helps you avoid blocking legitimate customers. Tailor our capabilities to fit your business needs and risk tolerance—without additional integration.

Create powered filters

Our machine learning technology assigns a risk score to every transaction to help you proactively manage risk.

Test your fraud strategy with simulations

Try out filter changes on historical transaction data to understand the impact on your business.

Develop block, review, and allow lists

Maintain lists based on email, address, card number, and more. You can use your list criteria in filters that fit your needs.

Build custom filters and fields

Access custom filters based on 500+ pre-calculated features. And create number, string, and date fields to help sort transactions how you want.

Automate your review queue

We’ll immediately approve, decline, and flag transactions for review based on your preset filters.

Access a control panel of advanced reports

Gain key insights with common report types or customise reports based on your specific risk strategy.

Find patterns or shared attributes

Our visual graph displays connections between attributes for transactions under review.

Optimise case management

Set specific user permissions and designate payments for manual review. Get valuable insights about each transaction with a quick search.

Turn our rich data into actionable insights

We combine data from processing billions of global payments annually, device fingerprints, historical snapshots, and more to create risk models that evolve in real time.

10+ billion
identifiers in our network2
of buyers are recognised by PayPal3
$1.36 trillion
in total annual payment volume in 20221

Explore articles, case studies, and more

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Let’s work together to

drive results

We’re here to help your business grow, compete, and thrive in today’s digital commerce landscape.

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