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Approve more orders while helping to prevent fraud loss

From basic fraud tools like AVS, CVV, and risk thresholds, to more advanced options like 3D Secure and solutions that leverage big-data analytics and cutting-edge machine learning, we’ve got you covered.

Explore our Fraud tools
Hype dc

50% reduction in chargebacks*

Just six months after integrating with Braintree, Hype DC cut chargebacks by half.

Read the Hype DC story

*Data based on the business’s own internal analysis. Results may not be typical and may vary substantially by business.

Shopper security

73% of shoppers value security

Nearly 3 in 4 shoppers claim security is more important than convenience when shopping online.1

1. Kelton Research: Digital trends impacting commerce, September 2018. Online survey of 2,115 US adults 18 and over; quotas set to ensure a nationally representative sample that matched US Census fallout on age, gender, and ethnicity.

Keep payments data secure

As a validated Level 1 PCI DSS compliant service provider, Braintree lets you easily create a secure checkout experience with our ready-built payments interface that’s eligible for SAQ-A PCI compliance validation.

Learn more about data security and PCI compliance

Build an ecosystem of trusted partners

Securely share payment data and payments information with trusted third parties without increasing PCI compliance validation scope.

Integrate with specialized fraud services

Ensure redundancy and high availability

Maintain greater control and management of shared payment methods

Learn more about connecting with partners

Get expert advice and guidance

Put our experience to work. We’ll help you mitigate risk by connecting you with available in-house and partner experts who can advise on best practices, alerts, chargeback levels, compliance mandates, card attacks, and more.

Learn more about white-glove support
Partner experts
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Drive higher

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Reach more buyers in more places

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Streamline business operations

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Mitigate risk and keep payment data secure

Connect with our Sales team

Find out how Braintree can help your business increase conversion rates.

Treeps contact sales@2x