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From the very beginning, Hotel Tonight, the last-minute hotel booking app, partnered with Braintree for ease of integration, frictionless credit card storage and scalability. Every day Braintree enables Hotel Tonight users to book hotels in seconds, while providing the fast-growing app the technology to expand internationally.


Twelve months was all app-champ Hotel Tonight needed to go from a start-up to the top-ranked hotel booking app for Apple and Android devices. Their secret? A novel idea and great partners.

Their idea is to provide easy, 100% mobile booking for discounted last-minute hotel rooms. Hotel properties use Hotel Tonight to fill rooms that might otherwise sit empty, while consumers get a quick and convenient way to score great values at these top hotels. It’s the mutual win that makes this idea wildly successful.


Hotel Tonight controls the app content by vetting all featured hotels. They also write their own concise, witty reviews that focus on the features last-minute bookers actually care about.

When it came to building the app experience, Hotel Tonight needed a partner that shared their vision of simplicity and reliability, and could scale to meet the company’s anticipated growth.


The entire Hotel Tonight app was built in just two and a half months, making speedy payments integration crucial. At the same time, the company was looking for a solution that was drop-dead easy for mobile users.

Hotel Tonight selected Braintree to provide the payment gateway and credit card vault, which stores users’ payment information for easy and convenient repeat bookings.

According to Sam Shank, CEO of Hotel Tonight, the company looked at many different solutions but selected Braintree because it enables returning customers to book quickly, and developers love the quick and effortless integration.

"We designed Hotel Tonight from the ground up as a fully mobile experience. To make this work, we looked to the best partners and Braintree is a critical part of that. Their speed to market and jaw-dropping, amazing customer experience has made working with them a pleasure."

Sam Shank

CEO of Hotel Tonight

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